Download PDF Hadoop 2 Quick-Start Guide: Learn the Essentials of Big Data Computing in the Apache Hadoop 2 Ecosystem (Addison-wesley Data & Analytics Series)
- Desember 14, 2010
- By nadeadea81
Download PDF Hadoop 2 Quick-Start Guide: Learn the Essentials of Big Data Computing in the Apache Hadoop 2 Ecosystem (Addison-wesley Data & Analytics Series)
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Hadoop 2 Quick-Start Guide: Learn the Essentials of Big Data Computing in the Apache Hadoop 2 Ecosystem (Addison-wesley Data & Analytics Series)
Download PDF Hadoop 2 Quick-Start Guide: Learn the Essentials of Big Data Computing in the Apache Hadoop 2 Ecosystem (Addison-wesley Data & Analytics Series)
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About the Author
Douglas Eadline began his career as a practitioner and a chronicler of the Linux cluster HPC revolution and now documents Big Data analytics. Starting with the first Beowulf Cluster how-to document, Doug has written hundreds of articles, white papers, and instructional documents covering virtually all aspects of High Performance Computing (HPC). Prior to starting and editing the popular website in 2005, he served as editor-in-chief for ClusterWorld Magazine, and was senior HPC editor for Linux Magazine. Currently, he is a writer and consultant to the HPC/Data Analytics industry and leader of the Limulus Personal Cluster Project ( He authored Hadoop Fundamentals LiveLessons, Second Edition (2015), and Apache Hadoop YARN LiveLessons (2014), and is coauthor of Apache Hadoop™ YARN (2014), all from Addison-Wesley.
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Product details
Series: Addison-wesley Data & Analytics Series
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Addison-Wesley Professional; 1 edition (November 5, 2015)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0134049942
ISBN-13: 978-0134049946
Product Dimensions:
6.9 x 0.8 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 12.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
7 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#681,251 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Excellent book so far. I have a working single node installation now. I am reviewing the book at this point based primarily on that, as that is what I wanted first and foremost. There are many ways that are supposed to be easy paths to getting a working installation, and this book will point you toward some of those as well as walking you through simply installing it directly, which is what I ultimately did, after trying a couple of other options and finding them unsatisfactory. I currently have it running on a linux live USB (with persistence) for learning purposes.For those developers who, like myself, have never had to do development in a linux environement, the only single interruption in the hand-holding approach this gave was that I couldn't runsu - hdfsuntil I gave the hdfs account a password. Which require that I runsudo passwd hdfsand choose a password. Similarly for the yarn account you create. Anyone who knows anything about linux would already have known that. But some of us have simply never ended up doing software or data science in an environment that wasn't a microsoft windows world.On page 115 there is a missing . at the end of the linejar -cvf wordcount.jar -C wordcount_classes/which should readjar -cvf wordcount.jar -C wordcount_classes/ .I had installed oracle java insead of then the one the book used (openjdk), and consequently to get that example to compile (still on page 115) I had to usejavac -cp $(hadoop classpath) -d wordcount_classes WordCount.javainstead of the books recommendedjavac -cp 'hadoop classpath' -d wordcount_classes
The book is a very good introduction into the subject for a technical person. It is well-structured, clear, consistent, thorough and logical. Everything is explained with necessary depth answering nearly all questions you are likely to have while reading. Hadoop is not complex by the way - at least when learning by this guide.
This is a Practical guide along with the online companion. Lot of new informations and basics. This is the one of the best book for people who wants to learn the brand new technology (Hadoop) and its latest version. If you really want to accomplish anything by reading then buy the hard copy of the books. No Matter what book you buy. Soft copies just don't work. Believe me.
Having never installed or played around with a Hadoop environment myself, I was on the look out for an intro style book that would give me the basics and enough info to start me off.When browsing this one caught my eye as I didn’t even realise there was a Hadoop 2 and the title was pretty much spot on for what I was looking for so decided to give it a shot.Overall, I enjoyed the book and it was spot on for what I was looking for. It’s a traditional tutorial/walk through type of book on how to get a Hadoop cluster up and running and how to admin/interact with it, but it also covers enough theory that you don’t need to have any prior experience with Hadoop to follow along.However, I would say that I think it’s overpriced in the paper edition and retail price ebook so if you’re interested in this book, try and read it on Safari or get a Kindle edition to make it affordable. Other than that definitely recommended.The book starts off with a really good overview of what Hadoop is, the MapReduce pattern and the changes in Hadoop 2. Good intro material.The next chapter is a more traditional walk through on how to install Hadoop uses both the Hortonworks distribution and the Apache sources. It also covers use of Ambari for a simple web based admin console for your cluster. Nothing too detailed is explained here as it’s covered off later, but it’s a straight forward walk through so is spot on for that.The third chapter gives a really good intro to how HDFS works, covering the nodes involved, their roles and the approach taken to replication and then some basic file system commands. I particularly enjoyed this chapter as I hadn’t used HDFS before and so some of the concepts around the different nodes, compute following data, append only files and block sizes were spot on for what I needed to understand.The forth chapter covers running jobs and monitoring them in the web gui, along with some examples for base lining the performance of the cluster.The fifth and sixth chapters walks through the MapReduce approach to data analysis, using word counting in text files as the main example and then moves on to the basics of writing code to create MapReduce jobs, covering the basics in Java and Python. Simple and straightforward, but again spot on in term of depth.The seventh chapter runs through some of the other Apache tools within the Hadoop ecosystem, covering Pig, Hive, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie and HBase. These are just quick overviews but interesting as I wasn’t aware of some of these.The eight chapter is really nice in that it focuses exclusively on YARN (Yet Another Resource Negotiator), which is new to Hadoop 2 and is one of the big differences in the new version. It walks through how to use YARN for things other than the traditional MapReduce pattern, using the YARN distributed shell as an example, before touching briefly on how some of the other Apache tools can be used with YARN.The last two chapters focus on admining Hadoop through the commands required and the Ambari interface. I skimmed these as I’m only doing a very basic setup to get my head around Hadoop but would look back to these as needed.In summary, the author notes initially that this book is written to a "hello world" level in terms of depth and that’s spot on across the book. It gives you enough info to get you to a working example, and then it’s up to you. I really liked this analogy and it’s exactly the level I was looking for. I also liked the author’s style of writing so will also be going looking for more of his book to find some more advanced material on Hadoop.If you looking for an intro to Hadoop that’s a nice combination of both theory and high level tech implementation, then this is definitely worth a read.One thing I would say is that I got through the book very quickly (3 hours roughly), and was surprised to see when I checked Amazon that the paper version is just over 300 pages as it really didn’t feel like that. It reads more like a book of around 150 pages, which in my head makes sense for quick start book.Why I highlight this is that while I really enjoyed the book, as I mention earlier, I don’t think it’s worth the price of $27 that the paper version is currently retailing for. For me it’s more in the $15 - $18 bracket and so if you’re going to read this then definitely try and go for the Kindle edition which is worth it at $17.
Hadoop 2 Quick-Start Guide: Learn the Essentials of Big Data Computing in the Apache Hadoop 2 Ecosystem (Addison-wesley Data & Analytics Series) PDF
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