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Product details
File Size: 1331 KB
Print Length: 241 pages
Publisher: New Harbinger Publications; 1 edition (March 1, 2015)
Publication Date: March 1, 2015
Sold by: Amazon Digital Services LLC
Language: English
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Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#19,782 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
I don't want to make any unscientific claims here, but I've found that a lot of the people I know who are depressed are also pretty smart. Which means that self-help books by celebrity rehab graduates and costumed spiritual gurus aren't going to be of any help. Another unscientific conjecture: in my experience, depressives tend to have finely tuned aesthetic sensibilities, which means reading clunky technical literature is a daunting challenge, particularly through the fog of one's symptoms.The Upward Spiral stands out from the pack for three significant reasons:1. It's based in evidence.This book isn't made up of snake oil panaceas, or Hallmark platitudes, or overblown pep-talk rhetoric. It's built on a foundation of clinical trials and observations of the brain, as up-to-date with contemporary neuroscience as possible.2. It reads well.The problem with writing based on scientific evidence often ends up being that the prose is dry and boring, or patronizingly dumbed-down, or frustratingly abstract. Korb is no Adam Phillips, but he writes about the structure and function of the brain more clearly than anyone else I've read in the past, frequently deploying effective analogies to familiar objects and ideas.3. It includes advice.Another problem with some science-based texts is that knowing what synapses fire at what time doesn't really help you figure out what to do outside your skull. Korb gives a suggestion on practically every page.This book isn't going to cure you. It addresses a specific aspect of depression: the way symptoms reinforce themselves and inspire new ones, resulting in the downward spiral that drags you down to your deepest depths. The optimistic implication of the title is that just like a small trigger can drag you down, an effective intervention can start enough momentum to carry you up.I'm of the belief that if you're depressed, you probably have to figure out how and why it started, and determine what specific patterns of thought originated as a result. That means seeing a therapist or analyst, possibly for a long time. But in the meantime, you have to get yourself out of bed every day, and this book gives you some idea how. To my knowledge, it's the best of its kind.
Seriously incredible book, which has quite literally become my bible.Using these techniques (and I am reading slowly to integrate rather than finish the boom, so I am only half way through) I can already tell my brain is changing, challenges become normal activities, and bad habits are slowly fading out of my life the more I focus on what to do right rather than what I am always doing wrong
Congratulations Alex Korb, you have a book that is accessible to my 11 year old, and I mean that as a good thing. So, I saw a news article on this book recently that had some snippets of advice from the author, which I had agreed with, and so I checked it out from the library to peruse it before deciding to purchase it because I have been hunting for something credible for her that would not be too esoteric or sleep inducing, because we've been having a tough month with pets and people passing away. And because she's a tween and I'm her mom, I'm loosing IQ points by the day and nothing I recommend in terms of nurturing self care activities and tips is worth listening to. But you, Dr. Korb, are one smart dude and I think she's more willing to give you the time of day. Even though we say pretty much the same thing, just without describing brain anatomy at the same time ;)So overall, I actually really thought this was a well done book. It is solidly written in an engaging, conversational manner, which is what makes it feel more accessible I think. The author does frequently refer to different structures in the brain, but he also provides a couple of diagrams to show you the location of what he is talking about. All of the self-help techniques mentioned are backed by research. It is true that probably you as a reader may have heard many of these things before, but you may be like some people I know and not so interested in trying them unless you understand that they have been studied and proven effective for improving symptoms of sadness or depression, and this book does a good job of backing up the methods. The author also steers entirely clear of spiritual or religious matters, which I also tend to think could be a benefit. I am a deeply spiritual person myself, but not everybody is and I think the neutrality in that matter makes it accessible to a wider range of people.This book does not really go much into thought or behavioral modification therapies (though arguably the sections on focusing on more positive memories and gratitude certainly overlap), but I tend to think often without some of the other lifestyle supports that encourage optimal hormone levels included in this book, those methods alone aren't going to present as much of an improvement, and they are involved enough that it is appropriate to mention them only and direct someone to seek further for more detailed information elsewhere.The only think that had me quirking an eyebrow on this book was the brief dip into chaos theory in the introduction, where the author likened the methods in this book to the beating of a butterfly's wings in LA breaking up a storm in New York. I'm going to be up front and say chaos theory isn't something I am very well versed in, while I am capable of going all sciency on someone, my happy place actually tends to be the arts. However, I have read enough to know that there are thinkers of the opinion that there are so many different systems acting upon one another when it comes to butterflies and the weather that it would actually be difficult to demonstrate a relationship in real world conditions between any one butterfly and any one meteorological event.However, I think relationships between the methods described in this book and positive outcomes can be more strongly demonstrated, as the author has done throughout the book. My only reason for mentioning this is that the reference occurs in the beginning of the book, and I offer it as a word of encouragement to anyone who might read the butterfly sentence and either think it didn't make sense or that it was nonsensical and that therefore the rest of the book would be as well. There is actually a mathematical theory the statement is based on, so I can kind of see the point he was trying to make with it about how small changes in your routines can lead to big effects, but...I personally think an oft used analogy about a very small turning of the helm in a ship leading to a totally different destination might have been something easier related to by many, and I think that's pretty much what he was trying to say with that whole butterfly thing.Overall though, I think this is a well done book, one I believe in enough to provide to my daughter for reading, and on a personal note, I totally endorse and use many of the techniques the author mentions and have for years and have found that they can help get me through some of the of the more difficult things life can offer.
I bought this book (paper and kindle) about half way into a 3-month plan to get my Mojo back. What a revelation! Finally an evidence-based Complete Dummy's Guide to the Brain that explains how to come back from a Down Cycle and how you got there in the first place. I found that building some of the small changes into "Habit Bundles" (yes Routines I know!) one step at time was really effective. I developed some of my own tricks too based on my newfound understanding of the brain.I couldn't recommend this more if I tried.
I enjoyed this book, and it helped me through my third relapse in 5 years due to MS. Depression is so far my worst symptom of MS! I am thankful that Dr Korb gives fair credit to antideppressants. Zoloft has helped me 3 times, and now I will probably stay on it...but looking into TMS, too. Often depression writers favor CBT or meditation because there is more to write about those subjects. This is fine except they often claim that meds don't work - which is devastating for those who need hope, and for those whom meds might be life saving.
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