Get Free Ebook Vietnamese Food with Helen's Recipes, by Helen Le
- November 21, 2018
- By nadeadea81
Get Free Ebook Vietnamese Food with Helen's Recipes, by Helen Le
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Vietnamese Food with Helen's Recipes, by Helen Le
Get Free Ebook Vietnamese Food with Helen's Recipes, by Helen Le
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Product details
Paperback: 166 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (August 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1500529710
ISBN-13: 978-1500529710
Product Dimensions:
8 x 0.4 x 10 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.5 out of 5 stars
62 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#311,248 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
It is an honor to write the first review. I have never met the author, but feel like I know her, through her online videos. Helen, if you happen to read this, I LOVE YOUR RECIPES!!!To those who don't know about Helen, she has a website, ( and a youtube channel. The videos are very professionally made. If you enjoy Vietnamese food, and want to try making it at home, her videos are a must see. I very much enjoy Vietnamese food, and think it is healthy as well. Flavorful herbs and fresh fruits and veggies are a big part of the diet.About the book, here are the things that were good about the book:The cookbook was very well organized. Sections were appetizers, noodles, main dishes broken down into pork, chicken, seafood, etc... and then breads, then sweet breads. (As in dessert.) The recipe names are in English first, then the Vietnamese name of the dish underneath. There is always a brief description or comment by the author before the recipe begins. In the margin there is always a list of useful info:Prep time---- ( the time to peel chop etc...)Cook time---( the time on the stove or in the oven)Amount of time the recipe should be ready.What course this recipe is--- ( appetizer, noodle, main, etc...)What region of Vietnam this recipe is from.There are numerous photos of EVERY recipe. Not just the finished product, but step by step photos as you progress through the recipe. If that isn't enough help, every recipe also has an easy access bar code ( the square kind that a smart phone reads) and that will take you directly to a video demonstration on the net. If you downloaded the ebook, you get a link that takes you directly to the video. At the end of many recipes there is a frequently asked questions page. This is good to read before making the recipe, since it may help you avoid any pitfalls, or you are wondering why a certain step is necessary.All of the recipes are in a table of contents in the front of the book. There is no index.Now the negative, and this is only my opinion. Many people may not see this as a problem:There are a some special ingredients needed for some of these recipes. But if you are wanting to make real ethnic food of any kind, this is no surprise. If you live in a big city, you should be able to find it locally. If you live in the country, you can order online, or sub another similar ingredient. The recipes Helen chose to put in this book are probably her most requested recipes. I was disappointed that she didn't include the recipe for Vietnamese beef jerky, (delicious and useful in other recipes). I was a little disappointed that there weren't any of the delicious salads in this book. Her website has some wonderful salads. ---These are minor faults, in my opinion. So, if you are going to buy only one Vietnamese cookbook, this one has great recipes, quick links to videos demos, and is well organized and nicely photographed. (don't know if the binding will hold up. Cookbooks usually take a beating. To my pleasant surprise, this book was printed in Louisville, KY U.S.A. !!!) I am so glad that I now have dozens of these recipes all in one book, easy to access.Helen, even though we have never met, if you are ever in Nashville, let me know, because I would love to cook with you!!!Thanks for all your efforts, and sharing your delicious recipes. ; )
Wow I just got my 2 copies mailed in :) One for me and one for my sister as a gift. I love your step by step pictures, it is one of my favorite characteristic of a good cookbook. With the QR codes, it's also so easy to get more tips! I think this is the best gift to offer to others as it's a great way to share Vietnamese cuisine and culture. Growing up in Canada I feel that I miss some Vietnamese culture and food; cooking delicious food with your easy recipes already makes me feel more connected with my origins. Overall, I am very impressed with the quality of your first book and I hope you will continue your channel and publishing more books in the future!! Wishing you continuing success!
I bought this book as a gift for my brother but I took a look at it so I could write this review. From first glance, this book looks like it is very detailed when desribing how to cook a dish. They show pictures of how some things are done which is very helpful, because I know when I'm reading a recipe, I always ask myself if I'm doing this right, but this book looked like it is great for beginners wanting to learn how to cook authentic Vietnamese food. Would recommend to anyone
Bought this for my Aunt because she loves cookbooks and Vietnamese food. I follow Helen Le online and her cooking is great and instructions easy to follow. Now, I make the very foods I had on a culinary tour of Saigon!
I love Helene on Youtube her recipes. When she came out with a book I naturally brought one. The instructions are easy to follow and it all links to the YouTube video.Her recipes are as authentic Vietnamese as you can get. Even my mom is using some of her recipes.
I love this book! I use it at least once a week.I love Helen's recipes because they are simply written: usually just a page with up to ten steps, and they always turn out well. They remind me of home cooked meals.I hope she makes a second book!
Love this book! She has pictures and to do's on all her recipe's! No guessing on how its suppose to come out. I love her food and this book! She also has youtube videos to follow if you get confused with barcode scanners on each recipe! Pretty dang awesome!!
I'm a huge fan of Helen's You Tube videos. She is amazing. Just got my book and can't wait to start cooking some of her yummy recipes. I love the layout of the book, the instructions are clear and the pictures are beautiful and very helpful. I particularly like the scan code featured next to each recipe that lets you link to the You Tube video for that dish. Nice touch!
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