Get Free Ebook Common Sense (Little Books of Wisdom)
- Agustus 02, 2014
- By nadeadea81
Get Free Ebook Common Sense (Little Books of Wisdom)
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Common Sense (Little Books of Wisdom)
Get Free Ebook Common Sense (Little Books of Wisdom)
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From the Inside Flap
In 1775, as hostilities between Britain and the colonies intensified, Paine wrote Common Sense to encourage the colonies to break the British exploitative hold and fight for independence.
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Product details
Series: Little Books of Wisdom
Hardcover: 76 pages
Publisher: Applewood Books; Little Books of Wisdom edition (July 1, 2002)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1557094586
ISBN-13: 978-1557094582
Product Dimensions:
4.2 x 0.4 x 6.8 inches
Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.6 out of 5 stars
1,318 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#87,161 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I decided to re-read this book in light of the disgust I feeling towards our present political system! I watched the debates, all 3 of them, and at this point, I believe that we have reverted right back to 1775 when it comes right down to it! We no longer are subject to the whims of a King, but, we are certainly being ruled by the Aristocracy in this country. We need to be reminded that when we fought for our independence, we claimed that GOD would be our only king! Not money, not the rich, not the powerful, not the bullies, not the evil ones! We need to sit and reflect on the reasons we fought to be free!
Many of us have historical and political perspectives that an overwhelming majority of the colonists were in favor of breaking the tie with Great Britain. Common Sense shows us that this was not true. Thomas Paine's arguments to break from the King of England were based on common sense. These were presented in a pamphlet that was read by a majority of the adult colonists. His logical reasoning was considered the gold standard of reasons for breaking from Great Britain when we did. A must reading if only to understand history from an author of the day instead of from our ivory towers of today.
This free version of this important document from American history contains only a few typographical errors. The pages are well formatted.Of course, the content is exceptional. It details the argument for independence from Britain, while giving insight into the historical context.I first read this over fifty years ago. My appreciation for it has grown now that I am older than its author at the time. We stand on the shoulders of giants.
Common Sense is one of the greatest articles of argumentation ever written. Paine was the finest pamphleteer of his age and was able to turn the discontents of the colonists and, especially, the intellectual leaders of the revolutionary movement into arguments that were easily understood by ordinary colonials and which inspired them to rally to the cause of independence.I first read Common Sense more than fifty years ago and remember well being impressed with Paine's ability to carry arguments and to anticipate those of his opponents before his tract even hit the street. Over the course of my lifetime, I was inspired by the author and became a pamphleteer of sorts myself. I always told my colleagues that I wanted to become a poor man's Tom Paine. But after reading the piece once again, I realize that almost all who aspire to follow in his footsteps, if not fill his shoes, are doomed to become but very poor copies of the original.Other reviewers have noted the fluidity of his writing; it reads as simply, directly and forcefully today as it must have nearly a quarter of a millennium ago. Obviously, one did not have to be a great reader to be swayed by the force of Paine's words or to be inspired to the side of those wishing to throw off the English yoke.I was struck by echoes of Paine in many great American speeches that were running through my mind as I read. A number of quotes from Robert F. Kennedy seemed to have been directly inspired by Common Sense, and I hastily looked them up and offer these two for your consideration:"It is not enough to understand, or to see clearly. The future will be shaped in the arena of human activity, by those willing to commit their minds and their bodies to the task.""All of us might wish at times that we lived in a more tranquil world, but we don't. And if our times are difficult and perplexing, so are they challenging and filled with opportunity."The Declaration of Independence itself is a direct offspring of this great tract. Jefferson and the others charged with developing the document were well aware of Paine and had the opportunity to evaluate his words and to use his methods in creating our declaration, and this takes nothing away from their genius.This is a document that can be read in short order, and it is free at the Kindle Store. How can you say no to giving it a try?
It might seem odd to say, but this book has the best criticism of Monarchism that I've ever read. Monarchism is one of those political philosophies that many people do not tend to encounter regularly, so they do not have a good grasp of the arguments against it, on that basis alone this book is worth reading. I think that for any American common sense it is a good book to read as it is a good primer on early America political thought. I have given this 4 stars in lieu of 5 on account of the "appendices". To my understanding the appendices were added in later additions as responses to some criticisms which had arisen. There is nothing wrong with the appendices per se but they are not nearly as punchy or poignant as the rest of the work, I appreciate their including but I think they did bring down the overall polish of the work somewhat.
These are unabridged versions of two historic, well-known pamphlets by the revolutionary 18th century British-born American philosopher, author, and political theorist, Thomas Paine.Jeff Moon gives superlative performances in his narration of Common Sense, as well as in The Age of Reason. I've always been better able to comprehend such complex writings when they are read aloud to me. Jeff Moon has a smooth, professional, conversative tone and voice-quality that greatly increase my ability to consume and digest dense writings like Paine's. As always, Jeff, well done. To fellow listeners, I recommend this audio version for its high quality production.I was provided a free copy of this audiobook in exchange for my unbiased review. Many thanks for this opportunity!
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